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When they looked at the MRI, it was almost as if he had no brain! Even though it took him 2 years to eat a sandwich by himself, he succeeded.

Fazilet Şenol / Milliyet.com.tr — He was born with an anomaly in October 2012 in Cumbria, England. Doctors spoke hopelessly for Noah, who was born with the rare condition called ‘hydrocephalus’. According to the doctors, he would not live very long, would never be able to speak, walk, or take care of himself. However, the story of this child, who was called «He will die for sure», shocked the medical world.


Despite the diagnosis made in the womb of Noah, whom doctors see as a ‘hopeless picture’, his family never lost hope.. His family, who devoted their lives to their little children and did their best to give them the best possible life, did everything they could for their children. Working hard to ensure that she received the best medical care available, the family sought new avenues whenever they got stuck. Doctors even urged Shelly five times to terminate her pregnancy and plan the funeral of her unborn child. So much so that Shelly even bought a small coffin for her baby, but she still did not lose hope.

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The family’s faith and hope for little Noah’s recovery were not in vain. Although a rather pessimistic picture is drawn for him, Noah was born in March 2012 with ‘spina bifida’ and ‘hydrocephalus’ with only 2 percent of his brain and underwent surgery. He was not expected to be born alive, but he misled everyone. By the age of 3, he had regained 80 percent of his brain. Noah stunned everyone who knew him with his determination and stamina. He could now partially stand, speak, and go to school. 50-year-old mother Shelly Wall used the following statements about all this:


«I couldn’t believe my eyes as I watched my 11-year-old son take a step forward for the first time in three years. My miracle son shines brightly when he puts his hand on the arm of the wheelchair, and sees the world just like his peers. Despite the terrible reactions he has received throughout his life, I have no doubt that Noah can achieve anything he wants. «

He didn't have a brain when they looked at the MRI, even though it took him 2 years to eat a sandwich by himself, he succeeded.


While a baby’s ability to stand was a simple act to celebrate for many parents, Noah’s achievement was remarkable. Because the doctors told Shelly and Rob that their son would never be able to walk, talk, or even eat unaided. Now 11 years old, Noah can do all this and do many of the things his peers do.

Anne Shelly on Noah, «He is obsessed with accompanying cars, plays and musicals. He likes to make bad jokes and laughs more if it’s pointless. He surprises us with a new talent every day. ‘I can pull up my socks’ or ‘I’ll wear my own shirt,’ she laughs. It took him two years to eat a sandwich by himself, but he can do it.‘ he said.


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‘It can also be seen in children with normal intelligence’

Brain and Nerve Surgery Specialist Assoc. Dr. Ramazan Sarı stated that hydrocephalus is a disorder that is usually seen in children during the development of the brain while the baby is in the mother’s womb. «In patients over 60-70 years of age, there may be a condition called hydrocephalus with the wear of the brain.Prof. Dr. Sarı said that hydrocephalus seen in childhood is caused by the insufficient development of the brain tissue and the fact that the brain water chambers are wider than they should be.

Emphasizing that underdevelopment of brain tissue, spinal cord deficits, spinal cord closure defects and cerebellum prolapse can accompany hydrocephalus, Assoc. Dr. Yellow, «Among these children, there may be children with mental disabilities as well as children with normal intelligence. However, it is difficult to determine in advance what the intelligence level of the child will be. For this reason, we follow up if hydrocephalus is detected in the examinations of all children to be born while they are in the mother’s womb and in the examinations after birth.‘ he said.


He didn't have a brain when they looked at the MRI, even though it took him 2 years to eat a sandwich by himself, he succeeded.


Assoc. Dr. Ramazan Sarı stated that the biggest benefit of this surgery is to prevent the brain water from pressing on the brain tissue and thus to provide an opportunity for the development of the brain tissue. About the requirements of the surgery, Assoc. Dr. Yellow used the following expressions:

«If there is potential in the brain tissue, the child can have a normal tempo and reach a mental level equal to his age group. We perform this surgery to provide this opportunity. The second reason is that when children with hydrocephalus do not have this surgery, their head circumferences gradually grow and they reach a point where their bodies «Even if they are mentally handicapped, this surgery is necessary for these children to receive education, to be fed by the family and to facilitate their care. In cases of hydrocephalus detected in the early period, a neurosurgeon must be consulted.»


Assoc. Dr. ramadan yellow, «We don’t know what kind of progress a child will make, so we do shunt surgery on all of them. We don’t know how much work the brain tissue produces. Some children have a two-inch brain but have a perfectly normal intelligence. Some children have no problem with their MR images, but they are mentally retarded. MRI for us. The scarcity of brain tissue in Turkey is not a criterion in deciding the treatment. We want to plan the treatment anyway. Because we cannot know the potential of the child, with a good rehabilitation, the child can hold on to life and become normal.» said.


Assoc. Dr. Yellow underlined that there are sub-branches of hydrocephalus, but Noah has a congenital hydrocephalus.

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Noah, who was born with the rare condition hydrocephalus, shocked the medical world by defying the doctors’ hopeless prognosis. His family never lost hope despite doctors urging them to terminate the pregnancy and plan the funeral for an unborn child. Noah underwent surgery and miraculously regained 80% of his brain function by the age of 3. He can now stand, speak, and go to school, doing many things his peers can do. Brain and Nerve Surgery Specialist Assoc. Dr. Ramazan Sarı explained that hydrocephalus is a disorder caused by the insufficient development of brain tissue and the widening of the brain water chambers. Surgery is necessary for children with hydrocephalus to receive education and facilitate their care. Assoc. Dr. Sarı emphasized that all children with hydrocephalus undergo surgery, as it is difficult to determine their intelligence level in advance.

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