
What does bipolar illness mean in the family drama? What does bipolar disorder mean?

Bipolar disorder comes to the fore in the Family series as an ailment to Devin’s family. Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive disorder, is a psychological-psychiatric disorder that affects a person’s mood, energy, concentration, and ability to perform daily activities. What is bipolar disorder?

What is bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder can cause a person to feel very good at once, but to become withdrawn after a while. Bipolar disorder can cause a person to take on moods that fit the definition of manic depression. For this reason, the evaluation by psychologists is of great importance at the stage of diagnosis of the disease.

The most distinctive feature of bipolar is that the mood of the person is at the extremes. When bipolar disorder is at its highest, the person becomes hyperactive and feels very happy. However, when it becomes depressed, it can close itself to the outside world and even show suicidal tendencies.

If mood attacks in bipolar disorder are not advanced, they may occur several times a year. While most people can spot mood disorders, it is difficult for those with advanced bipolar disorder to spot it on their own.

Bipolar disorder can be passed on by genetic transmission, or it can develop later due to trauma. Many people who go to the doctor with a complaint of depression actually experience bipolar disorder.

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Source Link: NTV/BRT/CNN

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This article explains bipolar disorder, which is depicted in the Family series as an illness affecting Devin’s family. Bipolar disorder is a psychological-psychiatric disorder that affects a person’s mood, energy, concentration, and ability to perform daily activities. It can cause extreme mood swings, from hyperactivity and feelings of happiness to withdrawn states and suicidal tendencies. It can be passed on genetically or develop later due to trauma. Psychologists play an important role in diagnosing the disease. While most people can spot mood disorders, it can be difficult for those with advanced bipolar disorder to recognize it on their own.

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