
Unborn twin removed from brain of one-year-old girl

The fetus of her unborn twin was surgically removed from the skull of a one-year-old girl in China. In the extremely rare case called ‘fetus within a fetus’, doctors said the fetus’ upper limbs, bones and even nails had developed, meaning it continued to grow for months while it was inside its sibling. The fetus, about five inches long, was only discovered when the parents took their daughter to the doctor when her head was growing and she had motor problems.

Doctors in China have found the ‘fetus of his unborn twin’ in the brain of a one-year-old boy, according to a new study.
The study, published in the journal Neurology, revealed that the child was brought to the hospital by his parents after he had problems with motor functions and his head grew.
Doctors in Shanghai found that the fetus of the unborn twin had developed in the child’s brain. «Fetus-in-fetu was identified in an intraventricular fetus, a malformed monochorionic diamniotic twin, in a 1-year-old girl with delayed motor skills and enlarged head circumference,» the study authors wrote. it was said.
Fetus-within-a-fetus, also called parasitic twin, occurs when twins are conjoined in the womb, but only one continues to develop. In the study, it was also stated that after the genome sequencing, it was determined that the fetus was the twin of the child.
However, cases of fetus-within-a-fetus occur in the very early stages of a twin pregnancy, when the dividing cluster of cells formed by a fertilized egg, called the blastocyst, fails to separate properly. Then one of the embryos is surrounded by the other. The other fetus, surrounded by the proliferating cells of the other twin, fails to develop, but remains «alive» because it receives blood supply. «Attached parts develop into the forebrain of the mother fetus and envelop the other embryo during neural plate folding,» the study said. expressions were used.
On the other hand, although such cases are rare, they have been seen before. In 1997, a 16-year-old fetus was found in the womb of an Egyptian teenager. Last November, doctors in Ranchi, in the Indian state of Jharkhand, removed eight embryos from the womb of a 21-day-old baby girl. Doctors said the fetuses ranged in size from 3cm to 5cm and they were lodged in a cyst in the abdomen.

This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: NTV/BRT/CNN

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Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

Doctors in China have removed the fetus of an unborn twin from the skull of a one-year-old girl, in a case known as fetus within a fetus. The rare case occurred when the fetus continued to develop within its sibling, leading to motor problems and a growing head size. The fetus was discovered by doctors, who removed it surgically. Doctors in Shanghai have similarly found a fetus of an unborn twin developed inside the brain of a one-year-old boy in the past. Although rare, parasitic twin cases have been reported previously, including a case in 1997 when a 16-year-old fetus was discovered in the womb of an Egyptian teenager.

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