

«Ярмарка профессионального образования и товаров для дома» (translates to «Professional education and home goods fair»)

С 4 по 6 мая в Никосии пройдет 1-я Ярмарка профессионального образования и товаров народного потребления. Это первое мероприятие такого…

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Goods dispatched to building where columns exploded in Bahçelievler in 10 minutes

Residents of a 6-story building in the Bahçelievler district of Istanbul were allowed to briefly enter their homes to collect…

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Police incidents: A person with duty-free goods in his possession was arrested in Güzelyurt

In Iskele, resident Dmitrij Zincsenko (E-41) died at around 23.30 last night, suddenly getting sick in the house he was…

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