
Горячие новости

Поверил голосу по телефону и отдал все сбережения

Информация из Турции говорит о случае мошенничества, связанного с фальшивым полицейским. В 44 года житель района Кючюкчекмедже в Стамбуле отдал…

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Горячие новости

There were parrot breaks on the electrical wire! Those moments caught on camera

The incident occurred on the pavement on 15 July Martyrs Street in the Kepez district Sütçüler District at noon last…

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Горячие новости

Operation on suspect who shot at random and locked himself in the house in Antalya

The incident occurred at around 22:00 in the evening on Fatih Mahallesi, Koca Ahmet Sokak. According to the information obtained;…

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