
Sibel Tatar attends Silkworm Breeding and Cocoon Work Seminar in Mehmetçik

First Lady of Northern Cyprus attends Silkworm Breeding and Cocoon Work Seminar

Sibel Tatar, the wife of President Ersin Tatar, attended the Silkworm Breeding and Cocoon Work Seminar in the region of Mehmetçik. The event focused on the importance of silkworm breeding in the Cypriot culture and its potential as a source of income for the region. Mayor of Mehmetçik Büyükkonuk Fatma Çimen Tuğlu, who was present at the seminar, emphasized the significance of organizing such an event in the area, stating that it was the first event of its kind for the region.

During the seminar, Sibel Tatar stated that silkworm breeding is a part of Cypriot history and culture, and highlighted its importance as a source of income. She further emphasized the significance of a project called «The Rebirth of Silk in Cyprus,» aimed at reviving the silkworm breeding industry in the region.

Sibel Tatar also provided information about the project’s progress, adding that the plan is to obtain the first products by August or September of this year. Women in the region will be given dried weaving products to process, which will produce high-quality silk products.

Dervişe Çeliker, President of the Turkish Cypriot Embroidery Research and Survival Association, made a presentation about silkworm breeding and cocoon work after the speeches. The seminar concluded with the distribution of silkworms to the participants.

Silkworm breeding is a part of Cypriot culture and a significant part of the country’s history. The initiatives to revive this dying industry in the region will provide employment opportunities for the locals and help boost their economy.

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