«Rent increase» fatwa from the High Council of Religious Affairs — Last Minute Türkiye News
The situation for the landlord in Trabzon, if a tenant who does not want his name to be disclosed, makes an electronic application to the High Council of Religious Affairs and determines a higher rate of increase in rent, contrary to this rule, instead of an increase of 25 percent in the rent of the house as required by law. demanded a fatwa against him.
«There are abuses»
Religious Affairs High CommitteeAs a result of the evaluation made by the jurists, they accepted the authority of the public authority to intervene in prices (narh) in cases where there were abuses in the market, black marketers intervened and made the people victimized, especially in cases where there were excessive artificial price increases in commercial activities that could be considered essential needs of the people (Merginani, al-Hidaye, 4/378), declaring accordingly; He gave a fatwa response that both the landlord and the tenant should comply with the upper limit specified in the relevant legislation on the increase in rent.
As it is known, dated 11.06.2022 and numbered 31863 Official GazetteAccording to the Provisional Article 1 added to the Turkish Code of Obligations No. 6098 with Article 4 of the Law No. 7409 published in Turkey, a 25 percent fixed rate was determined for rent increases in terms of renewed housing rents between 11.6.22022 and 1.7.2023.
A limitation was imposed by a legal regulation on the necessity of making an agreement between the landlords who have rented out their houses and the tenants, on the condition that an agreement should not be made in rental renewal agreements to be made before 1.07.2023, provided that it does not exceed 25 percent of the rental price of the previous rental year.

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The High Council of Religious Affairs in Trabzon has issued a fatwa, or religious ruling, on rent increases in response to a tenant’s request for higher rent. The Council stated that both landlords and tenants should comply with the upper limit specified in relevant legislation on rent increases, and warned against market abuses and excessive artificial price increases for essential services. According to the Turkish Code of Obligations, a fixed rate of 25 percent has been determined for rent increases in renewed housing rents between June 11, 2022 and July 1, 2023. Landlords and tenants are required to reach an agreement within this limit.