
Pay attention to these for spine health in Ramadan

Fasting is the healing and purification of the body and mind… We should not neglect our physical health while fasting during the 1 month period. The points to be considered during the month of Ramadan for those who have diseases in the spine and skeletal structure and those who take care to protect their spine health are as follows; Water is of great importance for our body, leaving the body dehydrated causes many body problems. Ensure the appropriate amount of water consumption for your body mass between iftar and sahur. The most important criterion for protecting our spinal health is weight! The discs, joints, ligaments and muscles that provide the flexibility of the spine are exposed to overload due to the pressure of excess weight and can be deformed and cause herniated disc. In addition, it can prepare the ground for waist slips by changing the center of gravity of the body.

You can reduce the risk of herniated disc by losing excess weight. While we train our souls during the day, let’s continue this at the time of iftar and avoid extravagant meals. Along with fasting, inactivity is the biggest enemy of the skeletal system. Do not neglect light-paced exercises as much as your hunger allows during the day, without increasing your heart rate too much. Even if you can’t do it during the day, try to do a light-paced walk and spine health exercises between iftar and suhoor. Take care of your sleep pattern, our mental and physical health, strong immunity is through regular sleep. Do not forget that regular and quality sleep reduces the rate of getting sick. Be sure to continue to use supplements such as vitamin D and vitamin C that you need to take while fasting or that will strengthen your skeletal system after iftar. Do not eat more than your capacity due to prolonged hunger in iftar, make your sahur like breakfast and consume foods that strengthen your bones. Make sure to make room for foods containing calcium, protein, vitamin D, and vitamin C on your table. Also, regularly consume eggs, legumes, dairy products. Reduce carbohydrate and fat consumption as much as possible.

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Source Link: NTV/BRT/CNN

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Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

The article discusses the importance of taking care of spine health during the month of Ramadan. It highlights the significance of water consumption and appropriate weight level for spinal health. It also recommends engaging in light-paced exercises during the day and getting regular and quality sleep to strengthen the immune system. The article suggests adding supplements like vitamin D and vitamin C in the diet and consuming foods that are rich in calcium, protein, vitamin D, and vitamin C. The article also recommends reducing carbohydrate and fat consumption.

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