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New Image of First Black Hole Reveals Enhanced Details

Scientists Enhance Image of Black Hole Using Artificial Intelligence

In 2017, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collected data about M87, a black hole located in the center of a nearby galaxy. Two years later, this data was used to create a blurry, orange-like image of the black hole, called a «donut» shape.

Now, researchers have used artificial intelligence to enhance this image and produce a full-resolution picture of the black hole. This is the first time the black hole can be seen in such detail.

The new machine learning technique, called PRIMO, allowed scientists to achieve the maximum resolution possible with the current array. Lia Medeiros, the lead author of the study and a staff member at the Institute for Advanced Study, stated that it is essential to understand the behavior of black holes, and the detail of an image plays a critical role in this understanding.

While providing an even better picture of the black hole, scientists hope that this enhanced image could give more insight into the characteristics of these mysterious, dense, and massive objects.

This significant advance in technology has opened up a new window of exploration into the mysteries of the universe. The enhanced image of M87 could pave the way for future discoveries and further our understanding of these elusive cosmic entities.

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