
Looking at the screen too much causes dry eyes

The symptoms of this table are as follows; Eye strain and pain, headache, blurred vision, dry eye, neck and shoulder pain, excessive blood in the eye, redness

Using a computer or a digital screen for more than 5 hours a day can have the same effect as staring at the sun for 3 hours with the naked eye. So what should we do about it?

* We must have our annual eye examination, because if we have a disorder related to light refraction or eye numbers, our eyes get tired earlier on the digital screen.

* If we do not have the opportunity to shorten our working time on the screen, we should look at the distance of 20 steps for 20 seconds every 20 minutes, which we call the 20-20-20 rule, while working on the computer.

* When people who work uninterruptedly look at the screen, their eye closure reflexes decrease and the tears evaporate earlier and faster, which causes dry eyes. Therefore, artificial tear drops can be used every 2 hours while working.

* It is necessary to illuminate the computer screen so that the light coming from the top or the window does not reflect. We should replace the illuminators on the table with lamps that will operate with low power.

* We can use a screen brightness filter. These filters reduce the amount of light reflected from the screen.

These recommendations will be beneficial for people whose profession requires the use of digital screens. However, people who use devices such as mobile phones, computers, ipads for a long time without the need for a profession should definitely reduce their habits for eye health. Especially for the eye health of our children, we should try to keep them away from digital screens as much as possible. Today, the age of meeting with the screen has decreased to 1.5-2 years. We should be able to remove digital screens from our children’s lives, which can have a negative impact on both their mental development and eye health.

This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: NTV/BRT/CNN

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Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

The article discusses the negative effects that prolonged use of digital screens can have on our eyes, including eye strain and pain, headache, blurred vision, dry eyes, neck and shoulder pain, excessive blood in the eye, and redness. It suggests several ways to prevent or reduce these symptoms, such as having an annual eye examination, following the 20-20-20 rule (looking at the distance of 20 steps for 20 seconds every 20 minutes), using artificial tear drops, lighting the computer screen properly, and using screen brightness filters. The article also highlights the importance of reducing the use of digital screens for the eye health of both adults and children.

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