
In One Hundred Years of Miracle, Süreyya fired Kemal! «Wonderful, surprised at what happened»

Star TV’s new series «One Hundred Years of Miracles» aired on Thursday, April 13, with its 4th episode. Years later, Kemal’s appearance in front of Süreyya and the events that took place at the meeting marked the episode. Here are the details…

«One Hundred Years of Miracles», starring Ebru Şahin and Birkan Sokullu and telling the story of 130-year-old Ali Tahir, came to the screen on the evening of 13 April with its 4th episode. The last episode was marked by the shock that Süreyya experienced when she saw Kemal and the thought that he was Eşref’s son.
One Hundred Years of Miracle in the last episode; Sureyya, who was shocked by Kemal’s arrival at the mansion, fell ill and went to her room. Süreyya, who took out Eşref’s photo and expressed that she did not want to experience the same things again, said that she compared Kemal to someone.
While chatting in the living room, Süreyya imagined that Kemal had accepted that he was Eşref, and offered to go to dinner.
Sureyya, who compared Kemal’s actions to Eşref at the dinner and was thoroughly surprised, went to his mother Müzeyyen and told him what had happened and called him downstairs. Ms. Müzeyyen, on the other hand, did not react even though she listened to him.
Sacide, who went to the kitchen to prepare the main meal, called Cem’s mother Müjde. Müjde, who did not understand what was going on, was shocked when she stormed the mansion and saw Kemal. Great, who wanted to send the gospel, told him that he and Cem broke up.
Cem, who went to the mansion after his mother’s phone call, started to wait at the door of the mansion when he saw Kemal and Great kissing on the window.
As soon as Müzeyyen got ready and went down to dinner, as soon as she saw Kemal, «Oooo, we’re stuck on the road. Where are you, groom?» said.
When Süreyya asked, Müzeyyen stated that she saw Kemal in the garden and said, «If you are playing a game, groom, I will not spoil it.» Müzeyyen, who wanted to dance, told Zeren to put a record. Then Süreyya wanted to dance with Kemal.
Sureyya, who asked him questions, asked his name when he heard that he looked like his father. When Kemal said that his father’s name was Eşref Anadolu, Süreyya kicked him out of the house. When Kemal left, Süreyya, who did not tell him anything, said, «You will not meet with that man again, Great. Otherwise, I will not give you my right.»
Kemal, who saw Cem in front of him when he came out the door, did not listen to his threats «I will not see you with my fiancee again». When Cem pulled a gun on him, he asked him if he had used a gun. Then Aysel found Cem beaten at the door. Great, who took him in, asked who did it, and he got the answer «Kemal».
Social media commented on Süreyya’s dismissal of Kemal from the house. Here are some of those comments…» In the following episodes, we will see that Süreyya is the real wrongdoer» «The only innocent in this story is Great» «Kemal’s effort to show that he was Eşref was funny» «I hope he understands Kemal» Why did you do these things to Süreyya for the sake of it?» «Great was surprised at what happened» «Sureyya’s anger is due to her love for Eşref»»Even though she says she will start from scratch for Kemal Great, it belongs to Süreyya»

This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: NTV/CNN

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The fourth episode of Star TV’s new series «One Hundred Years of Miracles» aired on Thursday, April 13, where Kemal’s appearance in front of Süreyya and the events that took place at their meeting marked the episode. Süreyya was shocked when she saw Kemal and compared him to Eşref, which led to her falling ill and going to her room. Later on, Cem, Müjde, and Great all got involved in the drama.

Social media was buzzing with comments about the episode, with some viewers sympathizing with Süreyya and others criticizing her for her actions. The trailer for the next episode shows that the drama will continue to unfold.

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