
Hür-İş President Serdaroğlu: We call the government to duty, if the exorbitant increase in prices is not stopped, it is inevitable that the minimum wage table should be reconvened.

Hür-İş Federation President Ahmet Serdaroğlu said that the government, which could not take measures against the high cost of living, made it necessary to increase the minimum wage again.

Hür-İş Federation President Ahmet Serdaroğlu, who represents the workers’ wing in the Minimum Wage Determination Commission, pointed out that the hikes did not stop after the minimum wage was determined in January, and said that the government did not perform its duty of supervision in the market against price increases.

In his written statement, Serdaroğlu stated that it would be inevitable to re-determine the minimum wage in the near future and said, “Then no one should say to us ‘the minimum wage has increased, the price of products has increased’. We warn, this order will not go like this,» he said.

Pointing out that many opportunists, who took advantage of the fluctuation in the currency in recent days, increased the price of products and services between 20 percent and 50 percent, Serdaroğlu said:

“Despite all the warnings we make at every minimum wage desk, the government does not prevent the price increase. No control task. Many businesses, which took advantage of the fluctuation in the currency in recent days, increased their products and services between 20 percent and 50 percent. Governments are spectators to all this. This order cannot continue like this. Due to the high cost of living, the minimum wage, which was well below the poverty line, faced serious financial difficulties. If it continues like this, it should be considered normal for the minimum wage table to be reconvened in the near future.

Our federation receives many complaints. Governments cannot ensure price stability. No one should tell us ‘if the minimum wage rises, prices will rise again’. If the minimum wage is increasing, it is because the hikes cannot be avoided. We call on the government. If the exorbitant rise in prices is not stopped, the reassembly of the minimum wage table is inevitable.”


This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: BRT

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The President of the Hür-İş Federation, Ahmet Serdaroğlu, has stated that the government’s failure to take measures against the high cost of living has made it necessary to consider increasing the minimum wage again. Serdaroğlu has warned that the current situation cannot continue and that businesses taking advantage of recent currency fluctuations to increase their prices between 20% and 50% must be stopped. Serdaroğlu called on the government to address price stability, and warned that if exorbitant price increases persist, the minimum wage table will have to be reconvened in the near future.

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