
How to Lower a Fever? What are the Home Fever Reduction Methods?

How to Lower a Fever?

When faced with a high fever, parents may panic and use some fever reduction methods. These methods can sometimes increase the fever instead of reducing it. A body temperature of 38 degrees or higher is defined as high fever. When there is a high fever, febrile convulsions occur. This condition is most common in children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years. The body temperature at which febrile convulsions are seen usually reaches 39-40 degrees.

In such cases, bruising and loss of consciousness in the child may occur. In this case, you should prevent the child from falling to a place without panicking, and lay him on his back with his head facing you and the air channels open. A person with a fever has malaria and may want to cover up. You should not cover the person with a fever and should take a warm shower. A warm shower makes the body temperature drop suddenly.

What are the Home Fever Reduction Methods?

There are many different ways to reduce a fever at home. In order to reduce fever, it is necessary to determine a method suitable for the age of the person who has fever. The most dangerous age group for high fever is infants and children. Methods that can be used to reduce fever in babies and children at home;

● Babies are usually dressed in layers so that they do not get sick, and care is taken to keep the room they are in warm. In case of high fever, it is necessary to remove the excess clothes on the baby. The temperature of the room where the baby is located is reduced to 20 degrees.

● Breast milk is very important at this stage. If your baby is suckling, you should continue to breastfeed while he is feverish. If your child is not sucking, you should pay attention to giving plenty of fluids. Since there will be fluid loss with high fever, it is necessary to take plenty of fluids.

● If you have an antipyretic or suppository in your home, you can give it to your baby in the required dose in accordance with the way of use.

● You can give your baby a nice shower by preparing a warm water. In this way, your baby’s body temperature begins to drop suddenly.

● You should not apply substances such as wet cloths or vinegar water on your children’s foreheads, and you should not give your child antibiotics unless your doctor recommends it.

How to Lower High Fever in Adults?

It is necessary to be more cautious when reducing high fever in infants and children. But it is easier to bring down a high fever in adults. You should not forget that one of the most effective and fastest fever reduction methods is to take a shower with warm water. If you are cold and have malaria when you are hot, you should not cover yourself, but lower the room temperature and take a warm shower. You can apply the following methods to reduce fever in adults;

● Taking a shower with warm water,

● Drinking plenty of water,

● Drinking antipyretic medication,

● Keep your nose open for easy breathing.

● Apply complex to underarms with a cold washcloth.

● Lower the room temperature.

● Wear comfortable and loose-fitting clothing and remove excess clothing.

● Get lots of rest.

● Avoid coffee, alcohol and cigarettes.

Foods That Help Relieve Fever

Some foods and drinks also help reduce fever. Foods that help lower body temperature

● Dried fruits

● Purple and dark red foods

● Green tea

● Strawberry, raspberry and tangerine

● Green foods

● Turmeric and ginger

● Artichoke, Walnut, hot pepper powder

● Cherry, Cabbage, Applesauce

● Cranberries, thyme, beets

● Drinking plenty of water ensures that your body temperature is balanced in a short time.

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Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

The article discusses various methods to lower a fever at home, especially in infants and children. It emphasizes the importance of determining a suitable method according to the age of the person with a fever. The article suggests removing excess clothing, using antipyretic medication, and taking a warm shower. It also recommends drinking plenty of fluids and avoiding substances such as wet cloths or vinegar water on the forehead. The article also mentions some foods and drinks that can help reduce fever, such as dried fruits, green tea, and turmeric. Finally, the article suggests several ways to stay comfortable during fever, such as wearing loose-fitting clothes and getting plenty of rest.

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