
He hit his head 3 months ago, he realized he had a brain hemorrhage when he went to the doctor

According to the information obtained, Kerim Akgül (62), the father of a child residing in the Ovacık district of Tunceli, hit his head on the upper threshold of the door 3 months ago. Afterwards, Akgül, who continued her daily life, started to lose balance and focus. Akgül then applied to the hospital. In the examinations, it was learned that Akgül had a cerebral hemorrhage. Afterwards, Akgül came to a private hospital in Elazig and became a Specialist in Neurosurgery Op. Dr. He met with Mehmet Koparan. After the examinations here, the patient was taken to brain surgery with clear consciousness. As a result of the successful operation, Akgül regained his health. Expressing that he did not take narcosis and felt the operation until the end, Akgül said that he did not experience intensive care and this is a great advantage.

“I felt the operation one-on-one until the end”

Expressing that he hit his head on the upper threshold of the door, Kerim Akgül said, “My height was a little low on the long threshold. But for the last week there was a loss of balance. I couldn’t focus on anything. I said it would be best to come to the doctor and I asked them, they told me about Mehmet teacher. It never occurred to me that I would have a brain hemorrhage. I haven’t been feeling well lately. It never knocked me out. I felt the operation one-on-one until the end. This is the bigger advantage. Because I was going to stay in intensive care after anesthesia. It was a big problem,” he said.

“The patient could talk to us at every stage of the surgery if he wanted to”

Stating that the patient came from Tunceli, Op. Dr. Mehmet Koparan said, “It came as a result of a call from the doctor there. There was a cerebral hemorrhage after hitting his head 3 months ago and a loss of strength on the left side that developed as a result. We numbed the area. We drilled one hole on the skull bone in the front and one in the back. We reached the cerebral cortex and opened it. After seeing the inside of the brain, we washed the inside with serum. We washed the blood and let the blood come out of the holes completely. While doing these, our only observation is whether the brain is going upwards. If the brain does not go up, our surgery is unsuccessful. When we looked, we saw that it was going up. We finished the operation without any problems. At every stage of the operation, the patient could talk to us if he wanted. Already when the patient turned to one side, we said to lie on the old side of the turn and the patient could obey this command. If we want, we can talk to the patient in every way during the operation,» he said.

In a message to families and physicians, Dr. Koparan said, “We should definitely look for hydrocephalus with normal pressure, which occurs with chronic subdural hematoma and the resulting deterioration of the water circulation of the brain, under many patients with gait disturbances, cognitive impairment and forgetfulness. If we do not call, the patient and family will be devastated throughout his life. Something that can be settled with one very small transaction will remain far from being resolved.”

This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: NTV/BRT/CNN

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A 62-year-old man residing in the Ovacık district of Tunceli, Turkey, who hit his head on a door three months ago, has undergone successful brain surgery to remove a cerebral hemorrhage. Kerim Akgül, the patient, lost his balance and focus following the head injury, leading him to seek medical attention. Neurosurgeon Mehmet Koparan performed the operation at a private hospital in Elazig, during which Akgül remained conscious and felt no pain, according to media reports. Koparan suggested that physicians should look for hydrocephalus, which can occur with subdural hematoma, as part of their examinations of some patients who display symptoms such as loss of balance and cognitive impairment.

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