
Government Increases Teknecik Production from 30MW to 90MW Following Private Service Process, Says PM Üstel

The government of Northern Cyprus has announced that it has taken action to restore the electricity supply in the country following protests that had resulted in power cuts. Prime Minister Ünal Üstel confirmed that faulty generators at the Teknecik power plant had been fixed, and its production had been increased from 30MW to 90MW. He also pointed out that the state of the plant had been deplorable, and there was a need for engineer supervision and organization. The government has taken necessary security measures at the power plant to prevent any further disruptions.

Üstel also condemned the employees who were harming their institution and the country, saying that they had nothing to do with union struggle or seeking rights. He further stated that the government would stand by the interests of the people and take necessary steps for their welfare and peace. The protests that have caused millions of lira damage to the power plant and the economy must end soon, he added.

The power outage had provoked public anger and widespread protests, with many accusing the government of neglecting the power supply crisis. The power cuts had also affected hospitals, schools, and businesses, causing significant disruption to daily life. The government’s swift response to the crisis should ease tensions and restore electricity supply to the people.

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