
First stage renovation of Cardiovascular Surgery service completed

In 2020, Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital Cardiovascular Surgery Cardiovascular Surgery (CVC) department, which was rendered unusable by the fire, completed the first stage renovation and opened an intensive care unit and operating room.

Doctor Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital Chief Physician Dr. In his speech, Adil Özyılkan noted that the service has gained a contemporary and modern structure with the works carried out after the fire in the Cardiovascular Surgery CVC service.

Özyılkan also expressed his satisfaction with the resumption of the service.

Health Minister Monitoring Gürçağ stated that an intensive care unit and an operating room, which are the first phase of the renovation in the KVC service, which was damaged by the fire in Altuğra, have been completed and put into service.
Minister Altuğra said, “An operating room and intensive care unit will be built in the second phase. We have a strong physician staff of 5 people in this service. This staff performed a heart transplant operation on two people and they were very successful.
Thank you to our doctors. We have a cabinet that is focused on goals and results, and we will continue our beneficial work for the country.”

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel also stated that they witnessed a beautiful event and underlined that it is their duty to make the KVC service fully equipped, which is one of the most valuable centers that find solutions to the problems of hundreds of patients.

Üstünel said, “The Cardiovascular Surgery service of our hospital burned down and when we came to the government, we started work and opened an operating room and an intensive care service. We have more work to do in order to provide even better service,» he said.

Prime Minister Üstel stated that they are in consultation with the Republic of Turkey for the new 500-bed hospital.

Üstel stated that the location of the hospital was determined, but it was stopped for a while due to the earthquake disaster in Turkey.

“We lost our ‘Champion Angels’ and our citizens in the earthquake. We started working in our country to be ready for these disasters. Considering all this, the need for a new hospital re-emerged. I mentioned this again during my last visit to Ankara, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Vice President Fuat Oktay promised that a tender would be launched immediately with a protocol to be signed. In the coming days, we will share with our people when the foundation of the new hospital will be laid.”

The Prime Minister, until the new hospital is built, Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu also emphasized that efforts will continue to make up for the deficiencies of the State Hospital and other hospitals.


This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: NTV/BRT/CNN

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Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

The Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital Cardiovascular Surgery department, which was damaged by fire in 2020, has completed the first stage of renovation and opened an intensive care unit and operating room. Doctor Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital Chief Physician, Adil Özyılkan, expressed satisfaction with the completion of the service’s renovation. Health Minister Monitoring Gürçağ stated that they completed the first phase of renovation and put the intensive care unit and operating room into service. Prime Minister Ünal Üstel underlined the duty to equip the Cardiovascular Surgery service, one of the most valuable centers that solves patients’ problems, and stated that consultations with the Republic of Turkey for a new 500-bed hospital are underway to replace the destroyed service. Until then, Prime Minister Üstel emphasized that they will continue to make up for the deficiencies of the State Hospital and other hospitals.

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