
Elif Doğan is breaking new ground in the Turkish TV series industry! A superman-like character is coming!

TelevisionGazetesi.com / Detay – Important studies are underway for the TV series Super Heroes Altay, which is prepared for the TRT Digital platform and is planned to last for 3 seasons. The actress, who gave a strong performance in the story of a warrior woman named Destan, will once again meet her fans with a strong woman’s story.

Elif Doğan announced that the shooting of the first season of the series has been completed. Expressing that they had just returned from Cappadocia, the actress said that the project would be a first in the industry for her as well. The Super Heroes Altay project, which includes important names such as Alper Saldıran, Beste Kökdemir, Begüm Birgören, Aslı Sümen, Toprak Sergen and Muhammet Uzuner, has been on the agenda for a while.

The crew of the series completed the first season with intense and action-packed shots. Expressing that they have just returned from Cappadocia, Elif Doğan takes part in the story of the series as Su Kız.

The actor spoke about his new series as follows: “As a project, we are shooting a superhero story for TRT Digital. I am playing the first Turkish Female Superhero. Our sets are very enjoyable and exciting. We just finished the first season of the show. It was very enjoyable and very productive. We came back from New Cappadocia. We have very sweet action scenes. Representing this as a woman is very precious to me. I am also very proud to be a part of it.”

Explaining that there are two superheroes in the story of the series, one of them is played by herself and the other is played by Beste Kökdemir, Elif Doğan compared the story a bit to Superman.

Superman was a powerful superhero story that started out as a comic book and then made its way to the movies. Explaining that they have a normal life like Clark Kent character and that they will have superheroes, Elif Doğan is getting ready to meet her fans with a very strong female character.

Elif Doğan, through the character of Su Kız, who has water-related powers and can fight both close and far, added that the goal of showing the power of a Turkish woman is a very special feeling for her.


This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: Beyazperde/TelevizyonGazetesi

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The Turkish actress Elif Doğan has completed filming the first season of the TRT Digital series Super Heroes Altay. The project, which aims to last for three seasons, features Doğan as Su Kız, the first female superhero in Turkish TV. The show also stars Alper Saldıran, Beste Kökdemir, Begüm Birgören, Aslı Sümen, Toprak Sergen and Muhammet Uzuner. Doğan said that the show will explore the lives of superheroes who lead normal lives, much like Superman. She added that it was special for her to show the power of a Turkish woman through the character of Su Kız, who has water-related powers and can fight both close and far.

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