
Commemorative message from Devlet Bahçeli for the 26th anniversary of Alparslan Türkeş’s death

MHP leader Bahçeli published a message on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of Alparslan Türkeş’s death.

Stating that the 14 May elections were the “threshold”, Bahçeli said, “The political struggle and relics of Türkeş Bey, who was born 6 years before the foundation of the Republic, have thankfully reached the 100th anniversary. The next Turkish and Turkish century awaits the Nationalist Movement Party with the will of the people.”


“The symbol of national unity and brotherhood will be Turkish and Turkish lovers today and in the future, as it was yesterday. Because this was the call and intellectual face of Türkeş Bey. With the establishment of our party in 1969, nationalism ceased to be just an intellectual movement, and settled in the hearts of the nation’s children in Anatolia, both politicized and socialized. The basic problems of the nation and the state in every field have been placed in the pattern of thought and solutions have been proposed. Our political movement, which was forcibly interrupted in the post-1980 period, regrouped with its founder Türkeş Bey, and Turkish nationalism took off again under the guidance of him and his colleagues.
Despite all the obstacles, when nationalism reached the public as a political project, the interest of our citizens in our party increased and the Nationalist Movement Party, as a political institution, found a solid and unshakable ground in the hearts of the nation. The late Türkeş Bey has never turned back from his path.”

This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: BRTK/CNN

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MHP leader Devlet Bahçeli commemorated the 26th anniversary of Alparslan Türkeş’s death and stated that the upcoming 14 May elections were the «threshold» for the Nationalist Movement Party. Bahçeli also talked about the significance of Türkeş Bey’s political struggle and his legacy, which has thankfully reached its 100th anniversary. He emphasized that Turkish nationalism took off again under the guidance of Türkeş and his colleagues and that the Nationalist Movement Party found a solid and unshakable ground in the hearts of the nation. Despite obstacles, Türkeş never turned back from his path, Bahçeli added.

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